Thursday, March 5, 2015

Farewell...It's Not Really Goodbye

Sister Pierce gave her Farewell talk on February 15, 2015. Afterwards, there was a fun little gathering and celebration.

 Sister Pierce and the kids. (From Left: Eliza, Calissa, Skyler, Andrew, Haley)

Three missionaries in the house! Mom and Dad are missionaries for the BYU-I Pathways program.

 David, Aimee, Sister Pierce, Rebecca, Clark. 

A new trend maybe?? You can't see it but these are one-of-a-kind missionary badges (compliments of Rebecca) that say things like "Sister Awesome," "Sister Walksalot," and "Sister Smiley."

Studying the Book of Mormon is awesome!

...and exhausting!

On February 22, 2015, Brittany met with the Stake President, President Mott, to be set apart and officially became "Sister Pierce," a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and a representative of Jesus Christ. 

One of the last goodbyes was to these two--Robert and Kristi. 

Yeah we'll miss Sister Smiley a lot these next 18 months but we know it's not really goodbye. It's just "see ya later!"

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