Sunday, March 15, 2015

I'm HERE!!!!

Hello from New Hampshire!!!! :) It is so beautiful here! All of the houses look like Victorian houses! President Stoker said their from the 1700's or something. It's like I'm in an old English town! So much fun. :) So, there are four other sisters here waiting for their visas for Australia, so at least I'm not alone! But, I'm excited to experience all of the beautiful areas here...even if there is a TON of snow. There's snow piles ALL OVER! It seriously looks like dirt piles when they're building a house. No joke. haha but I'm safe and I can't wait to tell you about when I meet my trainer tomorrow!

I love you both, and I'm so grateful I was able to talk to you this morning!

Love always, Sister Pierce

Note from Mom: As you know, we got to talk to her in the SLC airport for about 20 minutes before her flight to NH.  She actually changed planes in Detroit Michigan.  She did not have a sis. companion to travel with, just about 7 Elders! She sounded so excited and happy!!!!!!

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