This week was FULL of service! For some reason, everyone in the ward decided to move. Okay, not everyone, but it was still a lot. On Tuesday we helped a Less Active family move for 7 hours!!!! We did not expect it to take that long, but they were really hesitant with asking members from the ward to come help. They thought they only needed a few people to help, so the missionaries were sufficient. Let me tell you...that was a ridiculous idea. Even though the Elders and we were there, they still could've used the help from the ward, and they realized that once we started packing up the trucks. They had 3 storage units to pack into 2 much stuff!! But, at least they felt confident in the missionaries lifting skills...haha
Throughout the reat of the week, we helped other memebers move and pack up their homes. It's crazy to think that I've only ben here a couple of months, but I already feel close with the ward and are sad to see people leave. At least we were able to visit with them a little longer becfore they moved.
This week we alos went on exchanges. I stayed here in Saco and had to "take charge". I was pretty nervous, but it went super good!!! We had 4 lessons, and recieved 3 new investigators over the exchange! HOLY COW!!! Pretty awesome. That definitely boosted my confidence level! And then later this week, Alex referred us to his AA mentor and he's a new investigator too!! So exciting. The work is moving on!!! So exciting! :)
I hope you all have a great week!!
Sister Pierce
Alex gave Sister Craig a gift....haha we were a little confused by it. haha
Helping the Corbett's move
Sister Pleasant is in the ward. Such a sweet lady!
Exchanges! (I was with Sister Kimball--the ginger)
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