HELLO!!!! :)
This week has been interesting. To start off, we had a bird stuck in our wall underneath our kitchen sink! Let me tell you, hearing wings flap and little bird feet talking around in a wall is a very creepy sound. We definitely thought we had a rat in our cupboard. The other creepy thing was that we cleaned out that cupboard the day before, so Sister Craig thought a mouse came back to life over night...yeah that would've been gross if that was true. haha but we called our landlord to come and help us (because we were being girls and were too scared to open the cupboard doors...). Luckily, he was okay with helping us, because birds tend to get stuck in our wall a lot and other missionaries have done the same thing. haha Anyways, trying to catch the bird was pretty funny...I'm pretty bummed we didn't record it, but I took some pictures at least. :)
We met with Mindy this week and could tell something was going on. A few days later she called us and said she didn't want to meet with us anymore. NO!! We had no idea what to do. We talked to her about what was going on and it turned out that she wasn't reading from the Book of Mormon and wasn't understanding it. After we met with her, I gained a stronger testimony on the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and what role it plays in the conversion process. If someone doesn't understand or believe in the Book of Mormon, they are less likely to have a testimony of Joseph Smith, and therefore are less likely to truly know that the gospel has been restored. It's crazy to think how not doing one thing, or not understanding one thing can lead someone to no longer have the desire to learn about the gospel.
It's also interesting to hear how many people end up turning to religion when they are having tough times, but tend to forget about it when times are good. I am so grateful for the gospel and for the peace and comfort it brings in trying times and how it can continue to give us peace and hope when things are going good. The gospel is true!!! :)
Keep P.U.S.H.ing!
Sister Pierce
The bird is stuck in the wall....how did I get in there? I have no idea.
Proof that the bird was in our apartment :)
Time for the beach! It's been so fun to see the ocean about once a week!