Man, I can't believe that in two days I will have been on my mission for a month already!! It's crazy how fast time goes by!!
This week was full of miracles. First off, all of our lessons fell through...that's not really a miracle though...but it gets better!! Earlier this week we had Zone Conference, and we were promised that we would find new investigators if we followed 3 simple steps:
1. Be exactly obedient
2. Follow through with our plans
3. Pray for charity.
Pretty simple, right? Well, we were doing the first two steps pretty well until Sister Craig remembered the last step: pray for charity. Let me tell you, that last step made all the difference! We started to pray for charity on Saturday (I know..that's a little last minute if we wanted to find two new investigators by the end of the week, right?) and we found so many people (okay only like 3 people) who were interested in hearing our message! We also had some pretty good conversations with people on the street. I learned that if people look like they're in a hurry and don't have time to talk, it's a lie (for the most part). haha we talked to this one guy for like 15 min and he was on his way to study for finals. We weren't going to keep him that long, but HE was asking US the questions. Pretty great. After his finals, he wants to talk to us more. When we first started talking to him he looked like he was in a rush and he probably thought we were crazy for walking around Main St in the FREEZING cold talking about Christ. Actually, I'm pretty sure everyone thinks we're crazy for doing that. I think we're crazy for doing that! haha But, I would still do it because it changes people. When we were finished talking to Shiva (the med student) his whole countenance changed. You could tell that he knew we had the truth. We do have the truth!! And I get to share that with everyone each day!!! So great. :)
Then we ran into this other lady (Mindy) and her family. Her husband said that he wanted nothing to do with the Mormons, but his wife was the complete opposite. We were so surprised when she asked us if she could come to church the following day. Of course we said YES! The best part was that she came!!!!! She obviously didn't know what was going on because we hadn't had a lesson with her yet, but we met with her that night and she wants us to come back twice a week!! She even wants to feed us dinner (since she saw the missionary meal page being passed around in R.S.). She's awesome!
We also had another investigator at church: Alex. Oh my word. I wish all of you could meet him!!! He is so amazing and just loves the gospel!! Every time we teach him, he just makes my day and makes me more and more excited to share the gospel with EVERYONE!! I love how investigators come to learn how the gospel just makes sense. It's true! the gospel DOES make complete sense!! Man, I love this gospel.
Oh, we also tracted into this lady (Ellen) last week who has met with the sisters before, but we're not sure why they stopped teaching her. Anyways, we met with her on Saturday and she wants us to come back! Did you catch that? on Saturday, after we started praying for Charity, we found 1 new investigator, and then we found Mindy who was a potential investigator. But, by the end of the week (seriously though, at like8:30pm last night) we found our 2nd investigator!!!!!! Mindy!! The Lord definitely works in mysterious ways! haha but I'm so grateful that I was able to see how much charity (the Pure love of Christ) TRULY does change things. Christ loved all (and loves all), and we need to do the same. That is the only way we were able to find Ellen and Mindy. With the Pure Love of Christ, we can do all things, and we can bring others into this gospel and into the truth.
I love you all! Keep! (praying until something happens)
Sister Pierce
Sister Pierce and Sister Craig at Zone Conference
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