This week we went on exchanges. That was exciting! It was fun to work with another missionary and see how other Sisters work. I also liked not being treated like a "trainee". haha I feel like I am always on my guard with Sister Craig since she's pretty much teaching me how to be a missionary. It was definitely nice to just relax and not be too stressed about messing up. haha While on exchanges we tracted for 3 hours! That is the most I've tracted in one day since I've been on my mission. Surprisingly, it wasn't too bad! I actually enjoy tracting! Weird, right? haha I'm thinking I liked tracting more because Portland, ME is not as sketchy as Biddeford, but who knows, haha All I know is that if I ever have to tract all day, I won't be too upset with it...depending on the weather...haha
Other things that happened this week included: being called "a nun" by the old ladies we see every other week (actually that happens about once a week haha. People get really confused with meeting 20-year-old girls named "Sister" haha. They also get confused (mainly the older ladies) when I say my first name is "Sister Pierce". They always say, "oh, that's an interesting name". haha so great.), seeing the Atlantic ocean & Portland Headlight, having 60F weather for a day, and General Conference (and, of course, Easter)!!! What a great week! I love General Conference as a missionary. Since I actually have to stay alert with watching it at the church, I got more out of it! Weird, huh? haha but seriously though. haha I also felt like I was watching conference with a million different perspectives. I watched it with our investigators and less actives in mind, and I was also aware of how an investigator or less active may have received answers from watching a specific talk. That was pretty cool. It's amazing how each speaker is able to relate to someone in one way or another and help answer those questions we each may have.
Missionary work is the best! Although it's exhausting and challenging, it is the best thing, and I am so grateful that I have chosen to serve the Lord. Thank you for all of your support with that decision of mine!! :)
Keep (pray until something happens)
Sister Pierce
Exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders (I was with Sister Upton--the one with the crazy curly hair).
Portland Headlight
The Atlantic
Proof that I was there! :)
It was so cold and windy!!! But still super fun!
Sweet Stop sign we found while on exchanges! :)
"Hoppy Easter"! (yes, Sister Main, from our ward, wore those bunny ears all during should have seen her house! She LOVES holidays! haha)
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