December 21, 2015
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are all excited for this holiday!
I know I am! As this month began, I was a little homesick and not very
excited for this holiday, even though everyone says Christmas is the
best as a missionary. I didn't believe them. However, I now
understand!!! Christmas is so amazing as a missionary! On Thursday we
had a zone conference as well as a talent show for the missionaries
serving in Maine. Oh man. I think the talent show is what made
Christmas become real for me. Music always makes a connection with me,
and when it's songs about our savior, and Mary, it just hits home!
Sister black, elder Skouby, and I even were a part of the talent
show. We sang "how great thou art" acapella in parts (I sang alto).
We were the only ones who sang a song acapella, so it was pretty neat.
This week, we were able to do some service for others and make little
treats (pretzel sticks with white chocolate) for our neighbors. We
helped a lady in our Ward with some sewing projects she had, and since
sister black is a pro seamstress, we were able to help. I was also
able to help by being a pro ironer! :) she was so appreciative and
almost cried because we offered to help! Then, we helped the Youland's
with their Christmas lights. We have lunch with them every week, and
they are the ones who took to see the ship set sail! We've gotten to
now them pretty well, so it was fun to help them with some Christmas
decorating. I just love how festive everyone is and how this season
makes everyone "holly jolly!" :) I also am so appreciative that I have
come to learn the true meaning of Christmas. I always knew why we
celebrated Christmas, but it never really sunk in until this Thursday
and when we started doing so much selfless service for
others--especially being able to help others to relieve some stress.
Oh! Also, we read the nativity story to a family in our Ward as they
acted it out! That was pretty fun! I love the spirit that kids have
with Christmas!
Also, on Tuesday, we found a new investigator! Her name is Chrissy.
She met with missionaries in Maryland for a while, but then moved out
here, and the sisters tracted into her, and have been trying to see
her ever since. We finally saw her on Tuesday, and boy! She is so
prepared!! We literally taught just about everything to her (word of
wisdom, church, priesthood, law of chastity, baptism, restoration,
etc). She already has a testimony of prophets and apostles because
Christ had that while he was on the earth, so why would it be
different? Also, she said she would have a hard time quitting smoking
and tea, but said she was going to switch over to Pepsi right then! Oh
man! Her 7 year old daughter has definitely played a role in her being
prepared, though. Chrissy said that she has been asking her why they
don't go to church and Chrissy says that they haven't found a right
church yet. Well, I'm happy to tell you that she has found that right
church now, and that she is willing and excited to give it a try!!!
Our other investigator, April, also told sister Richardson (the member
who she lives with) that she wants to be baptized and is ready to make
commitments! Woo hoo! We haven't even been able to start officially
teaching her yet, and she already wants to be baptized! Sweet! We also
found an older lady while trying to contact a potential investigator,
and we have a return appointment with her for January 7th! Boy, oh
boy, the work is just moving right along here in Topsham! I'm pretty
Well, I think that's about it. I hope you all have a very merry
Christmas! Love you all!
Keep PUSHIng!
Sister Pierce

The nativity with the Norton kids
I saw Sister Craig at Zone Conference!