Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Book of Mormon is so cool!

December 28, 2015

Hello everyone!! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!! I hope you all had a great holiday and that is next year is a great one!! To start off, I'm not getting transferred, neither is Sister Black! I'm pretty excited because there is a lot happening this next transfer. There is so much potential in this area, and I can't wait to get started! We have a few new investigators we're going to start teaching next week, and we're planning on having a baptism this transfer with our investigator, April Lynn. Also, our investigator Brother Bubar asked us to begin teaching his family from the Book of Mormon. He wants to understand it better, and what better way then to have the missionaries teach from it? He asked us to leave a chapter with them each week in prep for the following lesson. So, tonight we're teaching them the plan of salvation from 2 Nephi 2. During comp study this morning, sister black and I studied it and I discovered how amazing the Book of Mormon is! I already knew that, but it's even cooler when you're reading it to learn about something specific. We took the chapter verse by verse, and it was amazing to see how the plan of salvation is taught throughout the entire thing! (Well everything, except for the spirit world and the kingdoms, but that's still pretty sweet!). The Book of Mormon is so true. I was also reading in Helaman this morning and the spirit was so strong when I was reading about a prophesy Nephi has about who killed the chief judge. It was amazing! I've never felt the spirit that strong about a prophesy made by a Book of Mormon prophet. Boy, missions really teach you about the spirit, the gospel, and yourself!mi a, so grateful to be serving a mission. I can't believe that I've already been out for 10 months. Crazy! I hope these next 8 months don't go by too quickly! There's still so much for me to do, I can't wait! :)

I love you all!
Keep PUSHing!
Sister Pierce

Our district on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve with the Atwater's

Our tree and presents!

I think the Ward loves us too much...we're a little sugared out...

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