Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fall is in the Air...

September 21, 2015

Hello everyone!! This week was a hot one! However, yesterday it cooled down by about 15 degrees and this morning during our exercise, I could see my breath!! Crazy. I guess that means fall is approaching and that the leaves are about to change! I can't wait to see the leaves here. Everyone raves about them. We've seen a few hints of it with a leaf here and there change but we haven't experienced it fully yet. I'll definitely send pictures when that change happens! 

So this week, lets see...we went on splits Monday night and I went with the member (sister Blakeman). our appointment ended up falling through becuasse Julie was a t work, so we went and contacted some LA instead. None of them were home either, so that was a bummer, but it was fun to help a member see a little bit of the missionary life! It was also fun to get to know a member on a more one-on-one basis. I don't think she's much older than me because she and her husband just graduated from BYU-Idaho in December and then moved out here for PA school. They also have 2 little girls. She is super cute and it was fun to do something a little different. 

We also found 2 new investigators this week!! Loraine (9 years old) and Diane Norekis (her daughter is a member). We're hoping to see Loraine be baptized next transfer because she is so receptive and is just soaking up all of the lessons! We just need to get her and her mom to church...

we then had zone conference and learned more about the Bible and the Book of mormon. we had a 60 day challenge to read the book of mormon in prep for zone conference, and it was so cool!! I love the book of mormon more than I already did, and my testimony has grown so much stronger since I've been out. We also got a "Tiwi" installed into our car. These black boxes are ridiculous....they are a GPS with a speed detector and agressive driver detector. When you speed or brake too quickly, you get told to "check your speed" or are told "agressive driving". I have only experiencd the "check your speed" one, but it scares me every time it goes off! which doesn't happen that much, so when it does, it freak out! haha These black boxes will definitely help decrease car accidents and crazy driving in all of the missions stateside. (since they're being installed in every mission vehicle). 

Oh! this week I also spoke in church! I got called saturday night and we have church at 9am. I litterally wrote the talk in 2 hours. that's the quickets I've ever done it! It's amazing how much the spirit is with you when y ou're put under pressure to speak! My topic was obedience. That was fairly easy since that's the main topic as a missionary...haha. I think it went pretty well. The funny thing is that the member who was going to speak backed out since her topic was changed to obedience to blessing of obedience. we had dinner with her family on Tuesday, and she told us that she backed out of her talk (after having it for a month) and so when I got the call, we called her immedielty to "thank her" for the opportunity, haha she thought it was hilarious. Ugh. Members....hahahah

Well, that's about it for me! I hope you all have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you next Monday!

Sister Pierce

P.S. I'll send pictures next week of the "Tiwi" so you can see what I'm talking about.

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