Yep, you've guessed it! It's transfer time and I've been told that I'm being transferred. I am excited, but also bummed. Sister Duncan and I have gotten along so well this transfer, but I guess that means that I'm in need for a challenge, expecially since I've been here for 4 months...lame. But I am excited to see what the next area is like! Last transfer I just transferred at the church because Sister Duncan was serving in Maine. I'm guessing I'm going to a new state since we're headed to transfer meeting (which is in Manchester, NH). Any guesses??? I've been told that I'm going to Vermont, but we will see!! Sister Duncan is staying here and is training! We received an email saying that 24 new missionaries are coming out! Holy cow!!! It'll be exciting to see all of those new faces and remember what it felt like when I was in their spot.
Speaking of transfers, It's been interesting to try and pack everything. I haven't accumulated that much, minus all of my winter gear. I think the track system at BYU-I helped me prepare for tansfers since I'm use to packing every 3 1/2 - 4 months or so. (That's the exact time I've been here in Saco, weird.) I guess the Spring/fall track is good for something, right?? haha
Anyways, the exciting things that happened this week was that we went mini golfing on Monday with the elders in out district, Friday we did some service for a business and redecorated a window display, and saturday we went to our ward BBQ and went to petsmart later and played with some kittens! That was fun to break up the typical missionary work.
As for Alex, he is doing alright. he isn't progressing a ton, but we're hoping to get to the bottom of that tonight. Last week he told us that we needed to think of something crazy/odd to help him stay strong throughout the week when we don't see him. Sister Duncan began to sing "Choose the right" and I eventually joined in. He loves it when we sing! he said that he wanted pocket-sized missionaries, and then Sister Duncan had a stroke of genius! She came up with the idea to make "Sister Duncan and Sister Pierce dolls". haha we'll see how that works today, and see if we can figure out how to do that. he said he would keep them in his cargo pants when he goes to work and will carry them with him everywhere! Sweet!!
Well, that's all I can think of this week. I hope you all have a great week!!
Sister Pierce
Lots of pictures this's mainly Alex's apartment...he painted every room!!
Spiderman Mannequin in the spiderman room
Sister Davis and I (man I'm taller than most mainers out here!)
Brother Guerrette and I! (this is Julianna Hall's (my YW leader) cousin, who was in my ward here in Saco. Small World!
mini golfing with the elders
2 other elders not in the district picture
Alex and his sweet car that he painted
Mario room
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