Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Trio Sisters

August 31, 2015

Hello from Bedford, NH!!!!!!! Yep! I'm now in bedford! We are in the area of the mission office and our mission presidnet and his wife are in our ward! Pretty fun. My new companions are Sister Lee and Sister Hamilton. Sister Hamilton is from Pleasant Grove, Ut, did a year at UVU and has been out for 12 weeks and is co-training with me (she just finished being trained). Then Sister Lee is the Greenie!! She is from Vista, CA and did a year of college with the pathway program at BYU-I. Pretty sweet. They're both super fun, and super cute Sisters!

So with a's really different. It's different with tracting, different with getting ready, and different with teaching. SUPER different with teaching. I'm really grateful for the opportunity I have of being on the other side of being trained because I am able to see what I could have been like when I was being trained. My trainer, Sister Craig, was out for 6 months when she first started training me, and that's how I am too. I'm so grateful for the few experiences I have had so far on my mission so I can help be that example and support to these newer sisters. 

It's been different tracting and teaching because a couch and door step is only so feels like we're over populating the space! haha but it's going well. it's hard to co-train because sister hamilton and I were trained differently, and so we are still trying to work out how to train together, but we are grateful that sister Lee prefers to shower at night (which helps with the get ready schedule) and that's a perfect time for us to prepare for the next day of training. 

It's been exciting to see how a new missionary works and to see the excitement, and stress that they go through. ....that sounded rude. haha I'm not excited to see sister lee stressed, but I'm grateful that I am able to tell if she is stressed or not so sister hamilton and I can help her get used to missionary work and adjust effectively. 

I love being a co-trainer! It's definitely more difficult for various reasons, and with a trio on top of that it will be interesting, but I know that the Lord will help me and will help all of us become better and more successful missionaries. 

I love you all!!! have a wonderful week!

Sister Pierce

P.S. my USB cord isn;t working for sending pictures, and the wifi is really sow for sending it from my i-pad, so you'll have to wait until next week to see my new companions! 

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