Thursday, November 5, 2015

The 6th Transfer

October 12, 2015

Hey there everyone!!

This week was pretty good! Sister Lee and I started off this new transfer pretty strong! On Monday evening, we did some tracting, and within the first 15-20 minutes, we received 3 return appointments! Holy cow. That was way better than we were doing last transfer! We also found 2 new investigators! We met with Oliver Monday evening and then taught Jackee on Wednesday. We felt pretty good about ourselves! We also had a lesson with our investigator Diane Noreikis this week. She asked us a few tricky questions, like "how did Joseph Smith see God and Jesus when the Bible says no one can see me and live?" I definitely had to brush up on my bible knowledge after we met with her, but I think we handled it pretty well. It's been tricky being the senior companion and actually being able to (or at least try to) answer the questions we are asked. Sister Lee is doing great though! The duo is a lot better for her, but it just puts some more stress on me. No big deal. Nothing I can't handle! At least not yet...

We also met with Lorraine this week and broke the news to them about having to move her baptism. We found out that we have a zone conference on that day and a general authority is coming... Her mom wasn't too excited about that. Hopefully we can figure out what to do about that, and that it all works out!

We also had a ward burrito night and the missionaries helped make home made tortillas! That was pretty fun. Something funny was that our assistant ward mission leader said that I look "very Mormon", especially with an apron on. He said I should start a Mormon cooking show. Haha yeah right! I'm not good enough for that. But I took looking "very Mormon" as a compliment. Maybe that's why so many people start to walk the other way when they see us coming...dang...haha

Anyways, that's about it over here! I hope you are all doing well! Love you!

Sister Pierce

Brother Therrien at church!

 This sign is on Donald St! So awesome!

Lorraine and Foxy!

This house basically describes New England

Last transfer I experienced my first need war! Pretty legit.

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