Thursday, November 5, 2015

Leaves are Falling Everywhere...

October 5, 2015

Good afternoon everyone!!! (Well, morning for you on the West coast). I hope you all enjoyed conference, I thought it was amazing!!! All of those men and women are truly called of God, and I am so grateful to be a part of this gospel!

This week we went on exchanges, and guess who I was with?? Sister Davis!!!!! Ah, it was the BEST!!! I forgot how much I loved teaching with her! When we met with Loraine, we taught her about following the prophet. I asked her a question that I worded very poorly, and thanks to sister davis, she fixed it for me and then re-asked it by doing an impromptu skit. She was Noah and she was telling me (the wicked people) to repent and come on the boat. I told "Noah" that I couldn't see any rain clouds, and that I didn't think I needed to repent. I then started to act like I was drowning. haha so fun!!! Loraine and sister Springer seemed to like that. :) We also taught a new investigator while on exchange and sister Stoker (the mission president's wife) offered to come with us! That was pretty fun. Kind of nerve-racking to have the mission president's wife teaching with us, but it was still a good experience. Diane Norekis had quite a few questions which were kind of tricky, so I was grateful that we had a member with us to help answer those. 

Besides conference, nothing else too exciting happened this week. Except that the leaves are starting to change and the fall weather is here! Which means that it's starting to get really cold...dang. 

I love you all!

Sister Pierce

Sister Lee and I

General Conference: sister Pettingill (part of the office staff) and Loraine's mom- sister Springer!

The leaves are starting to change!!!!!

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